I would like to calculate the distance between two points of the object by clicks.
I use IFCviewerAPI.
This solution is for Three.js in general, so it'll work in any Three.js app, including web-ifc-three and web-ifc-viewer (like in your case).
first of all, you shall find the position of both points in the 3D space (x, y, z),
let's assume there's two pointA and pointB each has (x, y, z) values
Math.pow(Math.pow( (pointB.x - pointA.x), 2) + Math.pow( (pointB.y - pointA.y),2) + Math.pow( (pointB.z - pointA.z),2), 0.5)
While this solution is super basic, you need to know that you might find issues in performance while scaling this code to multiple points.
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Fitting largest circle in free area in image with distributed particle
(5 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I deal with plots of data on the order of half a million points in Octave. I am trying to find the center of empty spaces that are in the data (on purpose).
I know how many points to look for and I was thinking of feeding in starter locations and then try to expand a circle in one direction until you hit valid data point locations and keep doing that in a few directions until you have a circle that is filled with no data but touches valid data points. The center of that circle would be the center of the void space. I'm not entirely sure how to write that since I'm very green in coding.
Obviously a graphical solution probably isn't the best method, but I don't know how to find big x and y gaps in a huge matrix of x y locations.
A section of the data I deal with. Trying to write a program to automatically find the center of that hole.
A sample of the data I'm working with. Each data point is an x and y location with a z height that isn't really valuable to what I'm trying to solve here. The values do not line up in consistent intervals
Here is a large sample of what I'm working with
I know you said your data does not line-up in x or y, but it still seems suspiciously grid-like.
In this case, you can probably express each gridpoint as a 'pixel' in an image; this gives you access to excellent functions you can use from the image package, such as the imregionalmin function. This will give you connected components of 'holes', in your case. For each component you can find their centres of mass easily by finding the 'average coordinate' over the pixels within that component. You can then perform a distance transform (e.g. using bwdist) to find the exact radius for the circle you describe, as the distance from that centre of mass to the nearest pixel. Alternatively, you can start with bwdist and then use immaximas to detect the centres of mass directly. If you have multiple such regions, you can use bwconncomp to find connected components first (or over the output of imregionalmin).
If your data is not specifically grid-like, then you could probably interpolate your data to make them fit such a grid.
pkg load image
t = 0 : 0.1 : 2 * pi; % for use when plotting circles later
[X0, Y0] = ndgrid( 1:100, 1:100 ); % Create 'index' grid
X = X0 - 0.25 * Y0; Y = 0.25 * X0 + Y0; % Create transformed grid
Z = 0.5 * (X0 - 50) .^ 2 + (Y0 - 50) .^ 2 > 250; % Assign a logical value to each 'index' point on grid
M = imregionalmin ( Z ); % Find 'hole' as mask
C = { round(mean(X0(M))), round(mean(Y0(M))) }; % Find centre of mass (as index)
R = bwdist( ~M )(C{:}); % Find distance from centre of mass to nearest pixel
R = min( abs( X(C{1}+R, C{2}) - X(C{:}) ), abs( Y(C{1}, C{2}+R) - Y(C{:}) ) ); % Adjust for transformed grid
figure(1); hold on
plot( X(Z), Y(Z), '.', 'markerfacecolor', 'b' ) % Draw original transformed grid data
plot( X(C{:}), Y(C{:}), 'o', 'markerfacecolor', 'r' ); % Draw centre of mass in transformed grid
plot( X(C{:}) + R * cos(t), Y(C{:}) + R * sin(t), 'r-' ) % Draw optimal circle on top
axis equal; hold off
This is a snippet from https://observablehq.com/#d3/non-contiguous-cartogram , which controls the transformation of the shape of states.
function transform(d, year) {
const [x, y] = path.centroid(d);
return `
Since x and y are constants, shouldn't translate(${x},${y}) and translate(${-x},${-y}) cancel out?
Further, why does this mechanism secure the centroid in its old position?
It is important to understand that SVG transformations are applied consecutively, i.e. order does matter. You cannot just add up numbers to consolidate a list of various transform definitions. In the words of the spec:
The value of the ‘transform’ attribute is a <transform-list>, which is defined as a list of transform definitions, which are applied in the order provided.
Each transform definition of that list manipulates the coordinate system that is the basis for all following transformations. Although, in your example, the translations are nominally of the same amount in opposing directions they do not cancel out because the scaling that happens in between changes the coordinate system along the way. Thus, the second translation does not cover the same distance as the first one.
To understand why those transformations keep the centroid in place it is helpful to write them down a bit more formally. Given the centroid's coodinates (xc, yc) and the scaling factor k we can write them as:
x ↦ xc + k (x − xc)
y ↦ yc + k (y − yc)
Every original point (x, y) is mapped to the centroid (first terms) and then moved outwards to its original position, yet it is only moved a scaled down portion of the original distance (second terms).
Plugging the centroid itself into these rules shows the second terms cancelling out which keeps the centroid in its original place whereby centering the whole transformation on the centroid:
xc ↦ xc + k (xc − xc) = xc
yc ↦ yc + k (yc − yc) = yc
I have a particle distribution, i.e. a set of 3D array x,y and z that give the positions of N particles. I divide my domain into cells and I would like to program an algorithm which gives me how many particles I have in a cell.
I am looking for something that doesn't use too much memory. If the distribution of particles were mono-dimensional a smart idea is to sort the particles with decreasing x.
In this way we only need to save, for every cell, the particle with smaller x within the cell. For example I know that the 7th particle is the particle with the smaller x that belong to cell i. Therefore, in cell i, we have to find particles 0 to 7.
My question is: how can I extend this to 3D? Or, how can I build a chaining mesh?
This is not a trivial problem. You might want to look at R-trees and indeed Spatial databases in general.
I think your problem can be solved much easier.
Make a 3D-array of 'cells'. Loop through your particles and increment value of a cell current particle belongs to.
Sample code:
cells = int[X][Y][Z]
for p in particles:
cx = cast_to_int((p.x / maxX) * X)
cy = cast_to_int((p.y / maxY) * Y)
cz = cast_to_int((p.z / maxZ) * Z)
UPD: works only if all cells have the same correspondent sizes (i.e. x1 = x2 = xn, y1 = y2 = yn...).
Let's say I have a triangle given by the three integer vertices (x1,y1), (x2,y2) and (x3,y3). What sort of algorithm can I use to return a comprehensive list of ALL (x,y) integer pairs that lie inside the triangle.
The proper name for this problem is triangle rasterization.
It's a well researched problem and there's variety of methods to do it. The two popular methods are:
Scan line by scan line.
For each scan-line you require some basic geometry to recalculate
the start and the end of the line. See Bresenham's Line drawing algorithm.
Test every pixel in the bounding box to see if it is in the
This is usually done by using barycentric co-ordinates.
Most people assume method 1) is more efficient as you don't waste time testing pixels that can are outside the triangle, approximately half of all the pixels in the bounding box. However, 2) has a major advantage - it can be run in parallel far more easily and so for hardware is usually the much faster option. 2) is also simpler to code.
The original paper for describing exactly how to use method 2) is written by Juan Pineda in 1988 and is called "A Parallel Algorithm for Polygon Rasterization".
For triangles, it's conceptually very simple (if you learn barycentric co-ordindates). If you convert each pixel into triangle barycentric coordinates, alpha, beta and gamma - then the simple test is that alpha, beta and gamma must be between 0 and 1.
The following algorithm should be appropriate:
Sort the triangle vertices by x coordinate in increasing order. Now we have two segments (1-2 and 2-3) on the one side (top or bottom), and one segment from the other one (1-3).
Compute coefficients of equations of lines (which contain the segments):
A * x + B * y + C = 0
A = y2 - y1
B = x1 - x2
C = x2 * y1 - x1 * y2
There (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are two points of the line.
For each of ranges [x1, x2), (x2, x3], and x2 (special case) iterate over integer points in ranges and do the following for every x:
Find top bound as y_top = (- A1 * x - C1) div B1.
Find bottom bound as y_bottom = (- A2 * y - C2 - 1) div B2 + 1.
Add all points between (x, y_bottom) and (x, y_top) to the result.
This algorithm is for not strictly internal vertices. For strictly internal vertices items 3.1 and 3.2 slightly differ.
I suppose you have a list of pairs you want to test (if this is not what your problem is about, please specify your question clearly). You should store the pairs into quad-tree or kd-tree structure first, in order to have a set of candidates which is small enough. If you have few points, this is probably not worth the hassle (but it won't scale well if you don't do it).
You can also narrow down candidates further by testing against a bounding box for your triangle.
Then, for each candidate pair (x, y), solve in a, b, c the system
a + b + c = 1
a x1 + b x2 + c x3 = x
a y2 + b y2 + c y3 = y
(I let you work this out), and the point is inside the triangle if a b and c are all positive.
I like ray casting, nicely described in this Wikipedia article. Used it in my project for the same purpose. That method scales on other polygons too, including concave. Not sure about the performance, but it is easily coded, so you could try it yourself (I had no performance issues in my project)
I'm using Electro in Lua for some 3D simulations, and I'm running in to something of a mathematical/algorithmic/physics snag.
I'm trying to figure out how I would find the "spin" of a sphere of a sphere that is spinning on some axis. By "spin" I mean a vector along the axis that the sphere is spinning on with a magnitude relative to the speed at which it is spinning. The reason I need this information is to be able to slow down the spin of the sphere by applying reverse torque to the sphere until it stops spinning.
The only information I have access to is the X, Y, and Z unit vectors relative to the sphere. That is, each frame, I can call three different functions, each of which returns a unit vector pointing in the direction of the sphere model's local X, Y and Z axes, respectively. I can keep track of how each of these change by essentially keeping the "previous" value of each vector and comparing it to the "new" value each frame. The question, then, is how would I use this information to determine the sphere's spin? I'm stumped.
Any help would be great. Thanks!
My first answer was wrong. This is my edited answer.
Your unit vectors X,Y,Z can be put together to form a 3x3 matrix:
A = [[x1 y1 z1],
[x2 y2 z2],
[x3 y3 z3]]
Since X,Y,Z change with time, A also changes with time.
A is a rotation matrix!
After all, if you let i=(1,0,0) be the unit vector along the x-axis, then
A i = X so A rotates i into X. Similarly, it rotates the y-axis into Y and the
z-axis into Z.
A is called the direction cosine matrix (DCM).
So using the DCM to Euler axis formula
theta = arccos((A_11 + A_22 + A_33 - 1)/2)
theta is the Euler angle of rotation.
The magnitude of the angular velocity, |w|, equals
w = d(theta)/dt ~= (theta(t+dt)-theta(t)) / dt
The axis of rotation is given by e = (e1,e2,e3) where
e1 = (A_32 - A_23)/(2 sin(theta))
e2 = (A_13 - A_31)/(2 sin(theta))
e3 = (A_21 - A_12)/(2 sin(theta))
I applaud ~unutbu's, answer, but I think there's a simpler approach that will suffice for this problem.
Take the X unit vector at three successive frames, and compare them to get two deltas:
deltaX1 = X2 - X1
deltaX2 = X3 - X2
(These are vector equations. X1 is a vector, the X vector at time 1, not a number.)
Now take the cross-product of the deltas and you'll get a vector in the direction of the rotation vector.
Now for the magnitude. The angle between the two deltas is the angle swept out in one time interval, so use the dot product:
dx1 = deltaX1/|deltaX1|
dx2 = deltax2/|deltaX2|
costheta = dx1.dx2
theta = acos(costheta)
w = theta/dt
For the sake of precision you should choose the unit vector (X, Y or Z) that changes the most.