az cli select first value of an object - bash

The az webapp identity show command:
Will return the following result:
"principalId": null,
"tenantId": null,
"type": "UserAssigned",
"userAssignedIdentities": {
"/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx": {
"clientId": "xxx",
"principalId": "xxx"
Now I am only intrested in returning the /subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx value. How can I filter this value using --query option? I have tried
--query userAssignedIdentities
"/subscriptions/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx": {
"clientId": "xxx",
"principalId": "xxx"
But there is something more required to get the first key here. What?

Use the below Azure CLI cmdlet
az webapp identity show -name <WebAppName> -g <ResoureGroupName> --query "keys(userAssignedIdentities)" -o tsv
Alternatively, you can use the below PowerShell cmdlet to pull the resourceId of the userAssignedIdentities that is assigned to Azure web app.
$identity=Get-AzWebApp -Name <WebAppName> -ResourceGroupName "<ResourceGroupName>" | select -ExpandProperty Identity


JMESPath query on combining search with ? and contains keyword in azure cloudshell bash cli

I am trying to write an azure cli JMESPath query to output all names which contain the word db and is of osType windows.
For this I have written the following query which works by calling the external bash utility called grep.
But I am unable to get it done with filtering in JMESPath language built in function contains.
Here is a query that works
az vm list --query "[?storageProfile.osDisk.osType=='Windows'].[name]" -o tsv | grep db
Here is a query that I tried and fails to get results:
az vm list --query "[?storageProfile.osDisk.osType=='Windows'].[?contains(name,'db')]" -o tsv
You just have to use an and expression:
Given the query:
[?storageProfile.osDisk.osType=='Windows' && contains(name,'db')].name
On the JSON
"name": "db-of-windows-application",
"storageProfile": {
"osDisk": {
"osType": "Windows"
"name": "db-of-linux-application",
"storageProfile": {
"osDisk": {
"osType": "Linux"
"name": "I-am-not-the-database-you-are-looking-for",
"storageProfile": {
"osDisk": {
"osType": "Windows"
This would give:

Unknown options when parsing to DDB

I'm trying to put an item to DynamoDB using CLI, but I'm getting an error: Unknown options: {, "S":, "do_something", },, "CreatedOn":, {, "N":, "201412250053", }, }, "TestRunId":
ENTRY='{ "TestRunId": { "S": "do_something" }, "CreatedOn": {"N": "201412250053"} }'
JSON=$(echo ${ENTRY} | jq .)
aws dynamodb put-item --table-name TestResultsDDBTable --item ${JSON} --region ${REGION}
If you run it in windows cmd, try this:
aws dynamodb put-item --table-name TestResultsDDBTable --item "{
\"TestRunId\": { \"S\": \"do_something\" }, \"CreatedOn\": {\"N\":
\"201412250053\"} }" --region ${REGION}
I was bothered by this question for one afternoon, :)
and I finally found a solution in here:

Get AWS EMR Cluster ID from Name

AWS CLI command aws emr list-clusters returns the following json. Is there a way through bash or groovy that I can use the Name to get the Id? I can't just use the Id becauseI am deleting clusters and rebuilding them with only the same name. So I know the name of the cluster is "my-cluster" and I would like to use it somehow to get the Id of the cluster. End case is I actually want the Master public DNS of the cluster.
"Clusters": [
"Status": {
"Timeline": {
"ReadyDateTime": 1433200405.353,
"CreationDateTime": 1433199926.596
"State": "WAITING",
"StateChangeReason": {
"Message": "Waiting after step completed"
"NormalizedInstanceHours": 6,
"Id": "j-3SD91U2E1L2QX",
"Name": "my-cluster"
"Status": {
"Timeline": {
"ReadyDateTime": 1433200405.353,
"CreationDateTime": 1433199926.596
"State": "WAITING",
"StateChangeReason": {
"Message": "Waiting after step completed"
"NormalizedInstanceHours": 6,
"Id": "j-3S281UEK8L2LW",
"Name": "my-cluster2"
You can use the query parameter to achieve what you are trying. The command will look like below:
aws emr list-clusters --query 'Clusters[?Name==`my-cluster`].Id' --output text
You can find the complete documentation for the query parameter here.
To answer the complete question, one could put the above approach into a long one-liner over several lines.
aws emr describe-cluster \
--output text \
--cluster-id $(aws emr list-clusters \
--active \
--query 'Clusters[?Name==`my-cluster`].Id' \
--output text) \
--query Cluster.MasterPublicDnsName
You can get the ID using jq bash command as follows
aws emr list-clusters --active | jq '.["Clusters"][0]["Id"]'
It will return the first active cluster Id as output

How to filter unique values with jq?

I'm using the gcloud describe command to get metadata information about instances.What's the best way to filter the json response with jq to get the name of the instance - if it contains "kafka" as a key.
.name + " " + .metadata.items[]?.key | select(contains("kafka"))'
Basically if items contains kafka print name.This is just a small excerpt from the json file.
"metadata": {
"fingerprint": "xxxxx=",
"items": [
"key": "kafka",
"value": "xxx="
"key": "some_key",
"value": "vars"
"kind": "compute#metadata"
"name": "instance-name",
"networkInterfaces": [
"accessConfigs": [
"kind": "compute#accessConfig",
"name": "External NAT",
"natIP": "ip",
"type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
"kind": "compute#networkInterface",
"name": "",
"network": xxxxx
I'm sure this is possible with jq, but in general working with gcloud lists is going to be easier using the built-in formatting and filtering:
$ gcloud compute instances list \
--filter 'metadata.items.key:kafka' \
--format 'value(name)'
--filter tells you which items to pick; in this case, it grabs the instance metadata, looks at the items, and checks the keys for those containing kafka (use = instead to look for keys that are exactly kafka).
--format tells you to grab just one value() (as opposed to a table, JSON, YAML) from each matching item; that item will be the name of the instance.
You can learn more by running gcloud topic filters, gcloud topic formats, and gcloud topic projections.
Here is a simple jq solution using if and any:
if .metadata.items | any(.key == "kafka") then . else empty end
| .name

Remove AllUsers from ACL policy in bash

I have a response from aws like this
"Owner": {
"DisplayName": "",
"ID": "xxxxxxxx"
"Grants": [
"Grantee": {
"DisplayName": "",
"ID": "yyyyyyyyyy"
"Permission": "FULL_CONTROL"
"Grantee": {
"URI": ""
"Permission": "READ"
I am looking to update the files so AllUsers is removed (get-object-acl should look like the below)
"Owner": {
"DisplayName": "",
"ID": "xxxxxxxx"
"Grants": [
"Grantee": {
"DisplayName": "",
"ID": "yyyyyyyyyy"
"Permission": "FULL_CONTROL"
How would I do this, not knowing what other grantees are available? I am specifically looking to remove a grantee when I see
I am currently using aws s3api get-object-acl --bucket mhe-deployments-prod --key $keyFile | jq '.' to locate the policies
Here is a jq filter which will remove all the .Grants array elements for which .Grantee.URI is "":
.Grants |= map( select(.Grantee.URI != "") )
Output: as requested
You can do using the built in --query option in the AWS CLI. The benefit being you don't need any external tools:
aws s3api get-object-acl --bucket $BUCKET --key $KEY \
--query "{Owner: Owners, \
Grants: Grants[?Grantee.URI != '']}"
Probably not the best but, this worked
# aws ~/.aws/credentials and s3cmd must be configured first with proper creds
for key in $(aws s3 ls s3://$target --recursive |awk '{print$4}') ; do
[ "${key: -1}" == "/" ] || {
award=$(aws s3api get-object-acl --bucket $target --key $key |jq '.Grants[].Grantee | .URI' |grep -v 'null' |grep AllUsers)
[ ! -z "${award}" ] && {
policy=$(aws s3api get-object-acl --bucket $target --key $key)
echo "$target: $key\n$policy\n\n" >> /tmp/policy-backup.json
echo -e "Working on: $key"
s3cmd setacl s3://$target/$key --acl-private ## s3cmd must be comfigured to your env
In this problem the specified grant can also be removed directly with del. e.g
| select(.Grantee.URI == "")
