In Prolog we can write very simple programs like this:
animal(X) :- mammal(X).
The last line uses the symbol :- which informally lets us read the final fact as: if X is a mammal then it is also an animal.
I am beginning to learn Prolog and trying to establish which of the following is meant by the symbol :-
Implies (⇒)
Entails (⊨)
Provable (⊢)
In addition, I am not clear on the difference between these three. I am trying to read threads like this one, but the discussion is at a level above my capability,
My thinking:
Prolog works by pattern-matching symbols (unification and search) and so we might be tempted to say the symbol :- means 'syntactic entailment'. However this would only be true of queries that are proven to be true as a result of that syntactic process.
The symbol :- is used to create a database of facts, and therefore is semantic in nature. That means it could be one of Implies (⇒) or Entails (⊨) but I don't know which.
Neither. Or, rather if at all, then it's the implication. The other symbols are above, that is meta-language. The Mathematics Stack Exchange answers explain this quite nicely.
So why :- is not that much of an implication, consider:
p :- p.
In logic, both truth values make this a valid sentence. But in Prolog we stick to the minimal model. So p is false. Prolog uses a subset of predicate logic such that there actually is only one minimal model. And worse, Prolog's actual default execution strategy makes this an infinite loop.
Nevertheless, the most intuitive way to read LHS :- RHS. is to see it as a way to generate new knowledge. Provided RHS is true it follows that also LHS is true. This way one avoids all the paradoxa related to implication.
The direction right-to-left is a bit counter intuitive. This direction is motivated by Prolog's actual execution strategy (which goes left-to-right in this representation).
:- is usually read as if, so something like:
a :- b, c .
reads as
| a is true if b and c are true.
In formal logic, the above would be written as
| a ← b ∧ c
| b and c imply a
I have produced the following code.
list_reverse(Ls,[R|Rs]) :-
last_elem([_|Xs],E) :-
without_last_elem([X|T0],[X|T1]) :-
?- list_reverse([1,2,3],X).
X = [3, 2, 1] ;
This is exactly what I want.
However if I go in the opposite direction I get success, followed by non-termination.
?- list_reverse(X,[1,2,3]).
X = [3, 2, 1] ;
C-c C-cAction (h for help) ? a
% Execution Aborted
What I am struggling to understand is why I first get a correct solution for X. Is my program correct or not?
I am not worried about reversing a list as much as I am about this pattern of getting a correct solution followed by non-termination. It is a pattern I have already come across a few times.
I am [worried] about this pattern of getting a correct solution followed by non-termination.
This is due to the very specific notion of (universal) termination in Prolog. In other programming languages termination is a much simpler beast (still an undecidable beast nevertheless). If, say, a function returns then it terminates (for that case). But in Prolog, producing an answer is not the end as there might be further solutions or just an unproductive loop. In fact, it's best not to consider your query ?- list_reverse(X,[1,2,3]). but rather the following instead.
?- list_reverse(X,[1,2,3]), false.
In this manner all distracting answers are turned off. The only purpose of this query is now either to show termination or non-termination.
After that,
you can either try to follow Prolog's precise execution path but that is as insightful as staring into a car's gearbox when you are lost (the gears caused you to move into the place where you are lost thus they are somehow the cause...). Or, you take a step back, and consider related program fragments (called slices) that share certain properties with your original program. For termination, a failure-slice helps you to better understand what is at stake. In your case consider:
list_reverse([],[]) :- false.
list_reverse([X],[X]) :- false.
list_reverse(Ls,[R|Rs]) :-
last_elem(Ls,R), false,
last_elem([E],E) :- false.
last_elem([_|Xs],E) :-
last_elem(Xs,E), false.
?- list_reverse(X,[1,2,3]), false.
Since this failure slice does not terminate, also your original program doesn't terminate! And, it is much easier to reason here in this smaller fragment. If you want to fix the problem, you need to modify something in the visible part. Otherwise you will keep being stuck in a loop.
Note that none of the facts is part of the loop. Thus they are irrelevant for non-termination.
Also note that in list_reverse/2 the variable Rs is never used in the visible part. Thus Rs has no influence on termination! Please note that this is a proof of that property already. Does this mean that the second argument of list_reverse/2 has no influence on termination? What do you think?
The last_elem/2 can keep constructing larger lists, that all should be rejected. But you thus get stuck in an infinite loop.
We can make a function that works with accumulator, and iterates over both the two lists concurrently. That means that once the left or right list is exhausted, no more recursive calls will be made:
reverse(L1, L2) :-
reverse(L1, [], L2, L2).
reverse([], L, L, []).
reverse([H|T], L1, R, [_|T2]) :-
reverse(T, [H|L1], R, T2).
Here the [H|T] and [_|T2] pattern thus both pop the first item of the list, and we only match if both lists are exhausted.
I am reading through Learn Prolog Now! 's chapter on cuts and at the same time Bratko's Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence, Chapter 5: Controlling Backtracking. At first it seemed that a cut was a straight-forward way to mimic an if-else clause known from other programming languages, e.g.
# Find the largest number
max(X,Y,Y):- X =< Y,!.
However, as is noted down the line this code will fail in cases where all variables are instantiated even when we expect false, e.g.
?- max(2,3,2).
The reason is clear: the first rule fails, the second does not have any conditions connected to it anymore, so it will succeed. I understand that, but then a solution is proposed (here's a swish):
max(X,Y,Z):- X =< Y,!, Y = Z.
And I'm confused how I should read this. I thought ! meant: 'if everything that comes before this ! is true, stop termination including any other rules with the same predicate'. That can't be right, though, because that would mean that the instantiation of Y = Z only happens in case of failure, which would be useless for that rule.
So how should a cut be read in a 'human' way? And, as an extension, how should I read the proposed solution for max/3 above?
See also this answer and this question.
how should I read the proposed solution for max/3 above?
max(X,Y,Z):- X =< Y, !, Y = Z.
You can read this as follows:
When X =< Y, forget the second clause of the predicate, and unify Y and Z.
The cut throws away choice points. Choice points are marks in the proof tree that tell Prolog where to resume the search for more solutions after finding a solution. So the cut cuts away parts of the proof tree. The first link above (here it is again) discusses cuts in some detail, but big part of that answer is just citing what others have said about cuts elsewhere.
I guess the take home message is that once you put a cut in a Prolog program, you force yourself to read it operationally instead of declaratively. In order to understand which parts of the proof tree will be cut away, you (the programmer) have to go through the motions, consider the order of the clauses, consider which subgoals can create choice points, consider which solutions are lost. You need to build the proof tree (instead of letting Prolog do it).
There are many techniques you can use to avoid creating choice points you know you don't need. This however is a bit of a large topic. You should read the available material and ask specific questions.
The problem with your code is that the cut is never reached when evaluating your query.
The first step of trying to evaluate a goal with a rule is pattern matching.
The goal max(2,3,2) doesn't match the pattern max(X,Y,Y), since the second and third arguments are the same in the pattern and 3 and 2 don't pattern-match with each other. As such, this rule has already failed at the pattern matching stage, thus the evaluator doesn't get as far as testing X =< Y, let alone reaching the !.
But your understanding of cuts is pretty much correct. Given this code
a(X) :- b(X).
a(X) :- c(X).
b(X) :- d(X), !.
b(X) :- e(X).
and the goal
?- a(X).
The interpreter will begin with the first rule, by trying to satisfy b(X). In the process, it discovers that d(4) provides a solution, so binds the value 4 to X. Then the cut kicks in, which discards the backtracking on b(X), thus no further solutions to b(X) are found. However, it does not remove the backtracking on a(X), therefore if you ask Prolog to find another solution then it will find X = 3 through the a(X) :- c(X). rule. If you changed the first rule to a(X) :- b(X), !. then it would fail to find X = 3.
Although the cut means no X = 5 solution is found, if your query is
?- a(5).
then the interpreter will return true. This is because the a(5) calls b(5), which calls d(5), which is defined to be true. The d(4) fact fails pattern matching, therefore it does not trigger the cut like it does when querying a(X).
This is an example of a red cut (see my comment on user1812457's answer). Perhaps a good reason to avoid red cuts, besides them breaking logical purity, is to avoid bugs resulting from this behaviour.
Recall this proof meta-circular
solve(true, true).
solve([], []).
solve([A|B],[ProofA|ProofB]) :-
solve(B, ProofB).
solve(A, node(A,Proof)) :-
Assume that the third rule of the interpreter is altered, while the other rules of the interpreter are unchanged, as follows:
% Signature: solve(Exp, Proof)/2 solve(true, true).
solve([], []).
solve([A|B], [ProofA|ProofB]) :-
solve(B, ProofB), %3
solve(A, ProofA).
solve(A, node(A, Proof)) :-
rule(A, B),
solve(B, Proof).
Consider the proof tree that will be created for some query in both versions. Can any variable substitution be achieved in one version only? Explain. Can any true leaf move to the other side of the most left infinite branch? Explain. In both questions give an example if the answer is positive. How will this influence on the proof?
please help me ! tx
(I have a lot of reservations against your meta-interpreter. But first I will answer the question you had)
In this meta-interpreter you are reifying (~ implementing) conjunction. And you implement it with Prolog's conjunction. Now you have two different versions how you interpret a conjunction. Once you say prove A first, then B. Then you say the opposite.
Think of
p :- p, false.
p :- false, p.
The second version will produce a finite failure branch, whereas the first will produce an infinite failure branch. So that will be the effect of using one or the other meta-interpreter. Note that this "error" might again be mitigated by interpreting the meta-interpreter itself!
See also this answer which might clarify the notions a bit.
There are also other ways to implement conjunction (via binarization) ; such that the next level of meta-interpreter will no longer able to compensate.
Finally a comment on the style of your meta-interpreter: You are mixing lists and other terms. In fact [true|true] will be true. Avoid such a representation by all means. Either stick with the traditional "vanilla" representation which operates on the syntax tree of Prolog rules. That is, conjunction is represented as (',')/2. Or stick to lists. But do not mix lists and other representations.
i'm counting number of instances in a list...
count(Elem,[Elem|List],N,M) :- !, N1 is N+1, count(Elem,List,N1,M).
count(Elem,[_|List],N,M) :- count(Elem,List,N,M).
So, i wrote this up two ways in prolog, and the first one works (above), but i was curious to know why the second doesnt (or rather, will give me multiple answers - only the first of which is correct) why is this?
many thanks
count(Z,X,R) :- count2(Z,X,R,0).
count2(W,[H|T],L,A):- (W == H), Lnew is A+1, count2(W,T,L,Lnew).
count2(W,[H|T],L,A):- count2(W,T,L,A).
The reason why your second attempt produces multiple solutions is that the second count2 clause does not prevent W and H from taking the same values. So even if the first clause of count2 succeeds, it can backtrack and succeed again on the second clause.
You can fix this by using a cut as Vincent Ramdhanie says, or if you prefer to avoid the use of a cut you can just add an explicit check in the second clause to prevent W and H from unifying, like this:
count(Z,X,R) :- count2(Z,X,R,0).
count2(W,[W|T],L,A):- Lnew is A+1, count2(W,T,L,Lnew).
count2(W,[H|T],L,A):- W \= H, count2(W,T,L,A).
Also, note that the first count2 clause now uses implicit unification. Rather than an explicit check. This is a bit shorter and easier to read in my opinion. Unless of course there was a reason why you were using equality rather than unification.
Your question includes the answer...the cut. The cut always succeeds and has the side effect of "cutting off" the derivation tree. Basically you cannot backtrack pass a cut.
The first example will execute the cut if the goal unifies with the second rule. In a sense, that choice becomes fixed. If there is failure or backtracking after it does not bacjtrack over the cut thus eliminating multiple answers. The cut is useful when the answers are mutually exclusive. That is, when you find the first answer no others will make sense.
got it!
here is a solution that works:
count(Z,X,R) :- count2(Z,X,R,0).
count2(W,[H|T],L,A):- (W == H), !, Lnew is A+1, count2(W,T,L,Lnew).
count2(W,[H|T],L,A):- count2(W,T,L,A).
Thanks Vincent - you made me revisit the cut!