Convertion OpenApi 3.0 yaml / json into word document - yaml

I would like to convert openAPI yaml / json file into word document. Is there any way how to do it? I found only json to pdf solutions which look not very nice.


Documenting YAML configuration files

We are using YAML as a config file format and want to add comments to it that we can convert to documentation, in the same way that Sphinx Autodoc, Doxygen, or Roxygen (in R) work.
I'm aware of this take that suggests description should be an integral part of the YAML document: Documenting yaml
I disagree with this. Our YAML files are configuration, not data - our documentation should show how to change and adapt the YAML rather than describe what's in the YAML right now.
I found:
Neither appears to be in very wide use, am I missing something?

Converting OWL/XML to YAML format?

I have multiple ontologies (OWL/XML format) that I need to convert into YAMLs. Is it doable or not really? I found a python based YAML to OWL converter online, but haven't found anything that does the other way around. I also tried Protege, but it doesn't support conversion to YAML formats.
Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!

input and output format for Swagger YAML

I followed the below tutorial to create my machine learning app in Google Cloud:
I need to construct a 'modelserve.yaml' at first to define my input and output such as this file:
I know that I have multiple lines of strings for my input and multiple lines of double number (1.0 and 0.0) for the output. I described it in this question:
Google cloud ML with Scikit-Learn raises: 'dict' object has no attribute 'lower'
Now I could not find related documentation to tell how to struct this YAML file. What is the correct format of this file in my case?

FreeMarker template engine will support PDF, XML, CSV, XLS formats?

FreeMarker template engine will support PDF, XML, CSV, XLS formats? or it will support only HTML format alone?
Freemarker supports other format than HTML, Moreover you can define other outputformat:
Sets the output format to the specified one, inside the nested block.
While XML is one of the predefined formats:
HTML,XHTML,XML,JavaScript,JSON,CSS and more.

elasticsearch full text search on property with base64 encoded string

i have an elasticsearch index with a property, value of which is base64 encoded (basically contents of a file). like below
"file": {
i want to be able to perform full text search on that value but i am not sure how to proceed. what i dont want to do is read that value in a server side object, decode it and then perform a full text search (which would mean not using elasticsearch to do the querying).
any feedback, opinions on this are much appreciated.
You may like to check mapper-attachments plugin
The ingest attachment plugin lets Elasticsearch extract file attachments in common formats (such as PPT, XLS, and PDF) by using the Apache text extraction library Tika.
The source field must be a base64 encoded binary. This way you can get your base64 encoded data searchable.
PS : what you see in _source is not what you get indexed
