Best way to find the smallest value from a table? - sorting

local test = {10,104,20,1042,1042104,592,502,5940,230952,291}
for i, v in pairs(test) do
I'm printing out those values successfully, but I'm not sure how to print just the smallest number. I've already tried using math.min to no avail.
I tried math.min, and attempted to use table.unpack, but none of that has worked. Using math.min resulted in nothing changing, and using table.unpack resulted in it printing just the first number before showing an error:
lua: main.lua:6: attempt to call field 'unpack' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
main.lua:6: in main chunk

The fastest way to get the smallest value is to run over the table once and remember the smallest value you find.
local min = math.huge
for i, v in ipairs(test) do
min = v < min and v or min
-- or: min = math.min(v, min)
Or local min = math.min(table.unpack(test)) Note that unpack is limited to some thousand values in older Lua versions.
Sorting is more complex. For small datasets its usually ok though.
Why would you sort the table in a loop btw?
for i, v in pairs(test) do table.sort(test) print(v) end
Move table.sort(test) in front of the loop
Regarding table.unpack, use unpack. You're probably running an old version of Lua. I belive it was moved into the table library after 5.1


How do I repeat a random number

I've tried searching for help but I haven't found a solution yet, I'm trying to repeat math.random.
current code:
local ok = ""
for i = 0,10 do
local ok = ok..math.random(0,10)
no clue why it doesn't work, please help
Long answer
Even if the preferable answer is already given, just copying it will probably not lead to the solution you may expect or less future mistakes. So I decided to explain why your code fails and to fix it and also help better understand how DarkWiiPlayer's answer works (except for string.rep and string.gsub).
There are at least three issues in your code:
the math.random(m, n) function includes lower and the upper values
local declarations hide a same-name objects in outer scopes
math.random gives the same number sequence unless you set its seed with math.randomseed
See Detailed explanation section below for more.
Another point seems at least worth mentioning or suspicious to me, as I assume you might be puzzled by the result (it seems to me to reflect exactly the perspective of the C programmer, from which I also got to know Lua): the Lua for loop specifies start and end value, so both of these values are included.
Attempt to repair
Here I show how a version of your code that yields the same results as the answer you accepted: a sequence of 10 percent-encoded decimal digits.
-- this will change the seed value (but mind that its resolution is seconds)
-- initiate the (only) local variable we are working on later
local ok = ""
-- encode 10 random decimals (Lua's for-loop is one-based and inclusive)
for i = 1, 10 do
ok = ok ..
-- add fixed part
'%3' ..
-- concatenation operator implicitly converts number to string
math.random(0, 9) -- a random number in range [0..9]
Detailed explanation
This explanation makes heavily use of the assert function instead of adding print calls or comment what the output should be. In my opinion assert is the superior choice for illustrating expected behavior: The function guides us from one true statement - assert(true) - to the next, at the first miss - assert(false) - the program is exited.
Random ranges
The math library in Lua provides actually three random functions depending on the count of arguments you pass to it. Without arguments, the result is in the interval [0,1):
assert(math.random() >= 0)
assert(math.random() < 1)
the one-argument version returns a value between 1 and the argument:
assert(math.random(1) == 1)
assert(math.random(10) >= 1)
assert(math.random(10) <= 10)
the two-argument version explicitly specifies min and max values:
assert(math.random(2,2) == 2)
assert(math.random(0, 9) >= 0)
assert(math.random(0, 9) <= 9)
Hidden outer variable
In this example, we have two variables x of different type, the outer x is not accessible from the inner scope.
local x = ''
assert(type(x) == 'string')
local x = 0
assert(type(x) == 'number')
-- inner x changes type
x = x .. x
assert(x == '00')
assert(type(x) == 'string')
Predictable randomness
The first call to math.random() in a Lua program will return always the same number because the pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) starts at seed 1. So if you call math.randomseed(1), you'll reset the PRNG to its initial state.
r0 = math.random()
r1 = math.random()
assert(r0 == r1)
After calling math.randomseed(os.time()) calls to math.random() will return different sequences presuming that subsequent program starts differ at least by one second. See question Current time in milliseconds and its answers for more information about the resolutions of several Lua functions.
string.rep(".", 10):gsub(".", function() return "%3" .. math.random(0, 9) end)
That should give you what you want

Lua pathfinding code needs optimization

After working on my code for a while, optimizing the most obvious things, I've resulted in this:
function FindPath(start, finish, path)
--Define a table to hold the paths
local paths = {}
--Make a default argument
path = path or {start}
--Loop through connected nodes
for i,v in ipairs(start:GetConnectedParts()) do
--Determine if backtracking
local loop = false
for i,vv in ipairs(path) do
if v == vv then
loop = true
if not loop then
--Make a path clone
local npath = {unpack(path)}
npath[#npath+1] = v
if v == finish then
--If we reach the end add the path
return npath
--Otherwise add the shortest part extending from this node
paths[#paths+1] = FindPath(v, finish, npath) --NOTED HERE
--Find and return the shortest path
if #paths > 0 then
local lengths = {}
for i,v in ipairs(paths) do
lengths[#lengths+1] = #v
local least = math.min(unpack(lengths))
for i,v in ipairs(paths) do
if #v == least then
return v
The problem being, the line noted gets some sort of game script timeout error (which I believe is a because of mass recursion with no yielding). I also feel like once that problem is fixed, it'll probably be rather slow even on the scale of a pacman board. Is there a way I can further optimize it, or perhaps a better method I can look into similar to this?
UPDATE: I finally decided to trash my algorithm due to inefficiency, and implemented a Dijkstra algorithm for pathfinding. For anybody interested in the source code it can be found here:
You know that Roblox provides you with the PathfindingService? It uses C-side A* pathing to calculate quite quickly. I'd recommend using it
Try to remodel your algorithm to make use of tail calls. This is a great mechanism available in Lua.
A tail call is a type of recursion where your function returns a function call as the last thing it does. Lua has proper tail calls implementation and it will dress this recursion as a 'goto' under the scenes, so your stack will never blow.
Passing 'paths' as one of the arguments of FindPath might help with that.
I saw your edit about ditching the code, but just to help others stumbling on this question:
ipairs is slower than pairs, which is slower than a numeric for-loop.
If performance matters, never use ipairs, but use a for i=1,#tab loop
If you want to clone a table, use a for-loop. Sometimes, you have to use unpack (returning dynamic amount of trailing nils), but this is not such a case. Unpack is also a slow function.
Replacing ipairs with pairs or numeric for-loops and using loops instead of unpack will increase the performance a lot.
If you want to get the lowest value in a table, use this code snippet:
local lowestValue = values[1]
for k,v in pairs(values) do
if v < lowestValue then
lowestValue = k,v
This could be rewritten for your path example as so:
local least = #path[1]
for k,v in pairs(path) do
if #v < least then
least = v
I have to admit, you're very inventive. Not a lot of people would use math.min(unpack(tab)) (not counting the fact it's bad)

Finding the minimum of mapped data

Given an array of complex objects, an algorithm for mapping each to Comparable values, and the desire to find the minimum such value, is there a built-in library method that will do this in a single pass?
Effective but not perfectly efficient solutions:
# Iterates through the array twice
min ={ |o| make_number o }.min
# Calls make_number one time more than is necessary
min = make_number( objects.min_by{ |o| make_number o } )
Efficient, but verbose solution:
min = nil
objects.each{ |o| n=make_number(o); min=n if !min || n<min }
No, no such library method already exists.
I don't really see an issue with either of your two original solutions. The enumerator code is written in C and is generally very fast. You can always just benchmark it and see what is fastest for your specific dataset and code (try
However, if you really do want one pass, you can simplify your #each version by using #reduce:
min = objects.reduce(Float::INFINITY){ |min, o|
n = make_number(o)
min > n ? n : min
If your objects are already numbers of some form, you can omit the Float::INFINITY. Otherwise, in order to make sure we are only comparing number values, you will need to add it.

How to increase memory to handle super large Lua tables

I have a Lua function that, given n, generates all permutations of the series from 1 to n and stores each unique series in table form within a container table.
The size of this generated table gets very large very quickly (and necessarily so). About the time I try n = 11, the script will run for several seconds before failing out to "lua: not enough memory." I have 16gb of physical RAM, but watching the performance monitor in the Windows task manager allows me to watch the ram be consumed during run time, and it only gets up to about 20% before the script ends with the memory error.
I found this post that looks like the direction I need to head: memory of a process in Lua
Since I'm running my script with Lua.exe, I'm assuming that I'm limited to how much memory Windows allocates for Lua.exe. Can I increase this amount? Can I use a C# wrapper program to simply run the Lua script (the idea being that it will have a higher/less restricted memory allocation)? Or am I looking in the wrong direction?
Do you need to store all the permutations in advance? You could generate them on-the-fly instead.
local function genPerm(self, i)
local result = {}
local f = 1
for j = 1, self.n do
f = f * j
table.insert(result, j)
for j = 1, self.n-1 do
f = f / (self.n + 1 - j)
local k = math.floor((i - 1) / f)
table.insert(result, j, table.remove(result, j+k))
i = i - k * f
return result
local function perms(n)
return setmetatable({n=n}, {__index=genPerm})
local generator = perms(11)
for _, i in ipairs {1, 42, 1000000, 39916800} do
print(table.concat(generator[i], ','))
In the same vein as finn's answer, here is another permutation generator:
local function perms(a,lo,hi,f)
if lo>hi then f(a) end
for i=lo,hi do
local function gperms(n,f)
local a={}
for i=1,n do a[i]=i end
local function show(a)
for i=1,#a do io.write(a[i],' ') end
You could perhaps use a memory-mapped file on the C++ side of Lua, for which you could provide an API via LuaBridge.
Update 1: an alternative to a memory-mapped file could be a NoSQL database

simple method to keep last n elements in a queue for vb6?

I am trying to keep the last n elements from a changing list of x elements (where x >> n)
I found out about the deque method, with a fixed length, in other programming languages. I was wondering if there is something similar for VB6
Create a Class that extends an encapsulated Collection.
Add at the end (anonymous), retrieve & remove from the beginning (index 1). As part of adding check your MaxDepth property setting (or hard code it if you like) and if Collection.Count exceeds it remove the extra item.
Or just hard code it all inline if a Class is a stumper for you.
This is pretty routine.
The only thing I can think of is possibly looping through the last 5 values of the dynamic array using something like:
For UBound(Array) - 5 To UBound(Array)
'Code to store or do the desired with these values
Sorry I don't have a definite answer, but hopefully that might help.
Here's my simplest solution to this:
For i = n - 1 To 1 Step -1
arrayX(i) = arrayX(i - 1)
Next i
arrayX(0) = latestX
arrayX = array of values
n = # of array elements
latestX = latest value of interest (assumes entire code block is also
within another loop)
