enter image description hereSo I have this code written up. and it automatically plays the video on launch of app (like I want it to), but id like to find out how to find the end of the vid so I can continue. As of now, once vid is done, it just stays on vid. im trying to get it to transition, so I can add on to my main screen once vid is finished. was told I need to find end of vid to do this, but the help I was given was outdated and didn't work.
I tried googling it and even already asked questions on stack flow, but for what im trying to do seems like no one has done it but im sure someone has or at least knows how.
What happens internally when Hardware Accelaration is on then all the screenshots taken during that time come out to be totally black.
I dont have any clue about that and have done some research but could not find anything.
I am trying to create an app 'X' in windows which will produce black screen as output when someone tries to take a screenshot while 'X' is on.
There are some apps which provide this functionality(like ScreenWings) but i could not figure out its working.
Is there any way hardware accelaration is related to this, if yes then how and if not then what can I use.
please help!!!
EDIT-- I want to do something so that screenshot comes out to be black..
recently I saw an app in the playstore:
(Not trying to make this political, I couldnt find another example)
Basically, you give an image of a given size to the app and the app will put the image inside the video, resizing and transforming the image automatically so it looks like it is part of the video.
So the programmer have to let the app know where the image should be placed and how it should be transformed.
Example video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zvf3yeZYUiI
I tried searching information, but couldnt find much, maybe I am not using the right terms.
It probably looks like a broad question, but I'm just looking for the name of the technique or a small introduction (preferably Python, but other languages would be fine too).
Thank you!
I'm new to programming and Id like to make a Dodger type game using the Gosu library. I don't know if this question completely adheres to Stack Overflow's rules but I haven't seen anything to the contrary.
Currently I know how to make window pop up where you can print some text an move it around, that's where i got the idea that all i need is some obstacles the player can avoid and some mechanism to detect if my text(Ill probably just use a "^" or something to simulate a spaceship.) has been hit.
I can't seem to find any tutorials or descriptions on how I should go about this, basically what I'm asking is for any helpful information on how I should go about it or where I could find a tutorial or something similar.
Okay the Title can be misleading.
But it´s like this.
I have made an application that constantly sends Images from Client A to Client B.
When Client B receives the image, it will replace the last image.
I currently use Picturebox or Panel, so pretty much:
panel1.BackgroundImage = Image.FromStream((MemoryStream)NetSerializer.Serializer.Deserialize(tt1.GetStream()));
It looks weird though, but as you can se, it will just change the image, when it´s there.
This all goes well up to about 800x600, then it will bottleneck.
I don´t know the update frequency, but i am guessing it´s around 60fps, as i am taking screenshots from my desktop or particular windows.
The bandwidth is not the problem here as long as i don´t use .bmp at 800x600+ of course.
Anyway, my question is, what can i use to replace this way of showing images?
I am guessing something with Directx/OpenGL or something?
Sadly i haven´t found a way to even display an image with that, though then again, i have a hard time understanding it.
I am open for suggestions and examples.
I am thinking, maybe to use WPF to just show the image.
But i don´t know if i can change the background image from a winform, so if it´s possible then i am all ear.
I realize this is not strictly programming related, but hopefully you will let me get away with it.
My group is trying to put together a very short (2 minutes or so) "film" about a new feature to our product. The feature is trying to solve a particular problem a lot of our customers have. We do not want to go with live action for displaying the description of the problem we are trying to solve because we feel that the production value of anything we could come up with would be incredibly low and turn off our viewers. So we would like to make an animation (basically floating clip-art that is animated moving from place to place) while we have someone narrate the problem description.
While flash seems to be a good solution I have some problems with it:
I need to capture this in a movie format like avi
It needs to be captured in 1080p, 720p and regular TV def.
Does anyone have a suggestion for a piece of software that can get me where I need to go?
Free is good, but I think I could get my boss to lay down some scratch for this.
For just some basic here-is-the-screen-this-is-a-slide kinda thing you could use Windows MovieMaker, free and standard.
And here you have some tips on how to create your own screen-captured-AVI file for input.