I made a new repo and I'm fetching through SPM and XCode and I keep getting this message
"Error while fetching remote repositoryssh://git#someBitbucketurl.git: An unknown error occurred. reference 'refs/remotes/origin/dev' not found (-1)"
Did I mess up setting up the repo? I have to delete a bunch of stuff to get it to update properly.
I checked my git repo and I have a dev branch set as a default. I'm not sure what I should do to fix the dev branch.
Please help.
I'm getting the following error when trying to build. It shows up as the only item in the build log, too.
Here are the packages I'm using:
For me, it turned out that, even though Xcode was able to resolve and clone these packages, it didn't like that 2 of them pointed to the GitHub repo page, rather than the git file version.
Changing them so they're all .git URLs fixed it:
When trying to install the gem "u2f" from the repo at "castle/ruby-u2f" I get an error message:
Fetching git://github.com/castle/ruby-u2f.git
fatal: Needed a single revision
Revision master does not exist in the repository git://github.com/castle/ruby-u2f.git. Maybe you misspelled it?
I cannot find any information about this error message. The text does not appear in any of the bundler source files, so I don't even know where to start debugging.
If anyone has any insight into the source and cause of this error, I'd love to know.
If you're trying to install a gem from a github source and got this, it may be because the repo changed its default branch from "master" to "main". Try adding branch: 'main' and see if it works.
Try pulling from the master branch
I git pull a project to the local (on MacOS), and almost the same problem occurred during the bundle install. But I tried the above answers to no avail.
After pulling from main master, encountering a conflict and resolving conflict.
I'm working in a sub-folder of the main project repo (on automated tests) and so generally don't have to worry about conflicts. It seems however that every time a conflict is encountered and fixed, where I attempt to commit the pulled files RubyMine gives me this error message and won't allow anything to be done to resolve. I've previously taken a new fork from the GitHub main and manually merged in my own lost commits but it's happened again.
I can't find any reference to this dialog on searching the web and our TA has investigated the issue, concluding that it may be a RubyMine bug. I'm continuing my search for relevant info but aside from poring through the bugs in http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/RUBY (which I have now done with no relevant issues found) I can't see where any leads might come from.
Latest version of RM (6.0.3) running on Macbook Pro (Mavericks)
RubyMine was used to resolve the conflicts; git status shows only the pulled files I'm now trying to commit as tracked and uncommitted - I have untracked files managed in a gitignore file
The dialog says:
Commit failed with errors
With error message displayed in terminal:
Error: Error executing git commit --only -F
[list of files I attempted to commit]
Try like this
Goto Tools -> Open terminal
Use this command
git status
Then add untracked files
git add .
Commit changes like this
git commit -i * -m "commit message"
If you still have errors please post the error. You can see the Version control logs at the bottom of rubymine
Are you using Rubymine to resolve the conflicts? If not, it's possible RubyMine has kept stale state of the filesystem and is reporting the errors because of this.
What does git status . tell you in your working directory? Is your current tree clean, or do you have unmerged changes?
I was so excited to get a private CocoaPods repo working. I got v1.0 of my little internal library working with my main app like a charm. Then I added something to the library, committed it, tagged it with v1.1, pushed it up and everything went straight to hell.
No matter what I do, even though my main app reports that my internal library is pointed at 1.1, I keep getting the same code back as 1.0. I'm stumped.
Things I have verified:
My private pods repo has the correct folder structure, and the .podspec files in each folder have the appropriate s.version
Did a file compare of the two podspec files on my internal pods repo and confirmed that the only change to the file was the version number.
Did a git checkout tags/1.1 on the repo with the internal library and confirmed the 1.1 tag contains the appropriate commit.
Confirmed via the BitBucket website the file changes and tag for 1.1 made it there.
I have also tried the following things to resolve it (that I can remember right now) and still got the same code added in the Pod.
Removing the offending pod from the Podfile, running pod update to delete it, re-adding it, then running pod update again.
Clearing ~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods and [ProjectRoot]/Pods and running pod install.
Removing my remote pod repo via pod repo remove [NAME] and then re-adding it under a different name.
Pointing the podspec at :head
Pointing the podspec at the specific commit I wanted.
Pointing the podspec at my local copy of the library.
All this craziness points to some sort of caching issue with git or Xcode, but running CocoaPods in verbose mode doesn't seem to show anything other than super-temporary cache paths that get deleted the second pod update is done.
Anybody got any further suggestions? This is driving me bananas.
Update 1/24: I checked out the code under a seperate username and got some odd behavior:
pod install
Analyzing dependencies
Downloading dependencies
Installing [Private Library] (1.0)
Installing Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK (6.7.0)
Installing LARSAdController (3.0.3)
Installing UIAlertView-Blocks (0.0.1)
Generating Pods project
Integrating client project
[!] From now on use `[App Name].xcworkspace`.
Interesting, I thought, that it grabbed the 1.0 version even though I don't specify any version in the Podfile. So then I ran:
pod update
Analyzing dependencies
Downloading dependencies
Installing [Private Library] (1.1)
Using Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK (6.7.0)
Using LARSAdController (3.0.3)
Using UIAlertView-Blocks (0.0.1)
Generating Pods project
Integrating client project
And the code doesn't change, even though the version number increments. So this points to something I screwed up rather than a caching issue - but if I did, why the hell is it grabbing version 1.0 at all? Any thoughts?
Welp, this was a PEBKAC/not seeing the forest for the trees problem, which I realized when I tried to give up and switch to a git submodule and saw what appeared to be the same issue.
I'd pointed the CocoaPod at /[Project Root]/Library (and was initially looking in there when I tried to move to a git submodule), but when I'd dragged that folder into Xcode in the library project, I'd accidentally left the "Copy Items Into Destination Group's Folder (if needed)" checkbox checked. That created /[Project Root]/[Subfolder]/Library, where all of my changes were actually going. Once I fixed that, surprise surprise, everything worked fine.
So, uh, I guess the lesson here is that if you've gotten this far down the rabbit hole, step back and make sure there's even a rabbit you need to be chasing to begin with.
I am trying to install a pod, which I have done several 100 times before, never got this error before. Started getting this error, not sure what's wrong with it.
Here is my Podfile
platform :ios, '7.0'
pod 'MBProgressHUD'
Here is the error:
Setting up CocoaPods master repo
Setup completed (read-only access)
Analyzing dependencies
Downloading dependencies
Installing MBProgressHUD (0.8)
[!] Pod::Executable fetch origin tags/0.8 2>&1
fatal: Couldn't find remote ref tags/0.8
Unexpected end of command stream
I tried uninstalling cocoapods and reinstalled them, still the same
I tried removing the cache and tried to re install, still the same issue
i tried this as well, still same error.
It appears that your remote repository does not have the tag 0.8.
git push origin 0.8
Also, if you think the tag has already been pushed, make sure your podfile is looking at the correct remote. A fork may not have the correct tag.