SMB Direct Between WIN10 Enterprise and WIN 10 Pro - windows

I want to configure SMB Direct using IWARP on my Computer.
I use Network Adapter T6225-CR both side, and i can find this Adapter on my device Manager.
And Server OS is Window 10 enterprise and Client Window 10 Pro.
When i type command Get-AdapterRDMA and Get-SmbClientNetworkInterface, RdmaCapable return true.
But, netstat -xan Command show Nothing on powerShell.
And share folder IO packet is not RDMA/DDP packet ON WireShark. It's just smb2 and isn't have IWARP Property and SMB Direct Property.
Do I have to use the server OS?
RDMA Communication using SMB Direct Between my ServerPC And ClientPC,
I Want to check RDMA Packet on WireShark and Performance Monitor


How to force MacOS to send network packets to local proxy even when Wi-Fi is not connected

MacOS version: Mojave
I have a program listening on a local port(2080). I would like to forward all network requests to this program.
In order to accomplish this, I have configured the Wi-Fi network service to use a socks5 proxy as well as dns server pointing to local host.
This works as long as the Wi-Fi network service is connected to any network, regardless wether that network is connected to the internet. (For instance, a chromecast).
Is there a way to force the packages to the program without having to connect to a network?
Previous attempts include creating a network service attached to the lookback device, lo0, with the proxy and dns settings as before (couldn't get any packets to be routed through the program, network panel says not connected) And installing tun/tap discussed in this question.(Virtual network interface in Mac OS X).
The device will show up in ifconfig, but not in network services after editing the SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist
Any guidance is welcomed.
Nevermind I figured it out. The Tun/Tap will work, just need to configure the virtual network service with correct DNS and proxy settings.

Setting up two-machine kernel debugging over network

I'd like to check the option to debug my kernel driver installed over remote physical machine (since I don't have firewire cables). Reading the relevant documentation, I haven't seen any limitation about remote physical debugging medium, so I deduced both firewire cables and ip over wireless network should work.
I thought that lldb remote connection using kdp-remote <machine-ip> would do the trick, but I don't get any response.
From remote VM however, it succeed even though the VM can be located on remote physical machine.
My boot-args configuration are keepsyms=1 debug=0x144 -v
We figured out the problem in the comments (item 2 below), but for posterity, here's a list of things to check if xnu kernel debugging isn't working:
The target machine must have a physical ethernet port which is connected via PCIe or Thunderbolt, or you must use a direct firewire connection (optionally via Thunderbolt). USB to ethernet adapters will not work on the target end. The client machine is less fussy, you can use wifi or USB-ethernet there.
The protocol uses UDP, not TCP. Have you got a firewall running on your lldb machine which might be blocking UDP packets? (You could try sending udp packets from target to client with the nc (netcat) tool while the machine is not crashed.)
Is the ARP entry correct on the client machine? arp <target ip> should yield the target interface's MAC address.
The crashed Mac will NOT respond to pings, only to KDP packets via UDP. So not getting pings back doesn't mean anything.
As far as I'm aware the machine won't request a new DHCP lease when it crashes, so that shouldn't be the problem, but you can always try setting a static IP address just to be sure.
Did you reboot after setting the boot-args? They only take effect on a fresh boot.
If SIP is active, you can only set nvram variables from the recovery environment from OS X/macOS 10.11 onwards. You can run nvram boot-args to verify that the settings stuck.
My personal recommendation is to use FireWire for kernel debugging if possible, it seems to be the fastest and most reliable in my experience.

Windows 7: sniff TCP sockets to localhost

I want to capture and analyze TCP communication data between two applications running on local host, which is running Windows 7 OS. I try to use Wireshark, but Wireshark could not capture the data, it seems just monitor the data in/out the network interface.
Could you introduce some useful tools to monitor the local TCP data easily.
The reason wireshark doesn't work is because sniffers rely on the network driver stack, and Windows don't expose localhost calls through it.
You should use Socket Sniffer, which looks at Winsock calls and monitors network sockets; the download link is at the bottom of the page.
There are limitations in Windows that prevent libpcap and Microsoft Network Monitor from sniffing localhost/loopback. But you can sniff localhost if you use Raw Sockets.
There is a free tool called RawCap that can sniff localhost and save the captured packets in a PCAP file. This allows you to inspect the traffic in Wireshark later on.
You can download RawCap from here:

change from command line a network adapter/interface used for Internet access on Windows 7

The general situation: I have Windows 7 64-bit professional, network connection via ethernet and plugged USB GSM modem. The problem is that sometimes my Internet provider has some outage and during such time I'd like to automatically use USB modem. I've already written some Perl code that actively tests if connection is down and can run a shell command to switch the adapter used for Internet access.
The question is how to change the adapters from command prompt. I'd prefer not giving the script administrative privileges but if it's unavoidable, I can bear this.
Preliminary look-around:
C:\Windows\system32>wmic nic get name, index
Index Name
0 WAN Miniport (SSTP)
1 WAN Miniport (IKEv2)
2 WAN Miniport (L2TP)
3 WAN Miniport (PPTP)
4 WAN Miniport (PPPOE)
5 WAN Miniport (IPv6)
6 WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
7 Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
8 WAN Miniport (IP)
9 Microsoft ISATAP Adapter
10 RAS Async Adapter
11 Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface
12 Microsoft ISATAP Adapter
13 Microsoft 6to4 Adapter
"netstat -rn" shows that adapter for Local Area Connection has higher priority for binding than the modem, which is good.
The usage of my USB modem for casual user consists of running a bespoke application for it and clicking a button "Connect/Disconnect". AFAIK the app doesn't have command line options.
In one direction I figured out a workaround that has additional advantage of keeping the connection alive: AutoConnect by Jarek "Shider" Wieczorek. AFAIK it has no command line options, but just running it after it has been once configured establishes GSM connection and later reconnects in case, which is great.
Now I stuck on how to switch back to LAN (which is my primary, quicker access to the net) after some time, when Internet access has been restored. After killing AutoConnect, the connection is still via modem. I suspected that switching back could be some netsh command but haven't found anything obvious in the help. In a desperate attempt I thought of disabling the modem using devcon.exe but the program downloaded from
didn't run (some errors that I won't cite because they're actually unrelated to the main issue) and before downloading huge Windows Driver Kit 7.1.0 for a hopefully better version I thought I'll ask here for some suggestion/solution :)
Thank you in advance for any neat general solution or a small specific solution on how to turn off USB connection (maybe Windows will automatically use LAN then) or switch to LAN.
Belatedly, I came up with a solution. Supposing a modem connection has the name ABCD, the following terminates it after closing AutoConnect:
rasdial ABCD /disconnect
However, I still think the whole idea I presented is quite awkward and would gladly see some neat approach. Thanks.

Network control on Windows

How do I control the network interface on Windows? Actually, the idea is quiet simple.
Establish connect to a certain adapter on a computer.
Direct whole traffic of the adapter to this program.
Give the rights to this program what must be transfer to the adapter and what should not.
I think the program has to implement any windows network adapter interface and be registered as an adapter driver. Thus, when it wants to transfer data to real adapter, the program has to call adapter driver methods. In their turn, the methods implement the same windows network interface (or that is called in other way don't really know, I hope you get the sense), don't they?
As a result, we have a kind of inheritance here.
Before use our new driver:
windows application and windows itself
________________________ windows network interface
DRIVER of Adapter1
________________________ end of OS boundaries
Adapter 1
Use our new driver:
windows application and windows itself
________________________ windows network interface
________________________ windows network interface
DRIVER of Adapter1
________________________ end of OS boundaries
Adapter 1
I believe that kind of interface exists and I hope it is realized very easy.
You will likely need to hook Windows API calls to really do this. It is possible... Start by Googling hook API and Winternals - and see if you can find their sample code.
Before Winternals was bought by Microsoft they published their code.
The idea is this:
You write a user-mode program which controls your hooking device
Your hooking device driver determines if network traffic on
given API calls is ok.
Driver allows normal API calls to succeed if they are.
